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Sunday Summary – May 19, 2019

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Every Sunday here at our longtime member and Board Secretary, Betsey Buckheit, has been cleverly summarizing the week’s posts. I’m filling in for her this week, and have categorized posts according to the core values of people-centered, future-oriented, justice-driven, and delight-cultivating. Of course, many of our posts fit into multiple categories, or might require categories of their own (like events!). It’s an experiment! 


Grieving the Life We Trade Away for Driving by  features some of life’s most fundamental pleasures, like smelling the blooming lilac trees or watching some cuddling possums. He explores how much of life we miss while we’re driving a car, concluding that we should make more space for people and animals, not cars: “A more alive, more community-minded form of traffic actually deserves the right of way.”

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A turtle greeting cyclists from the grass along the Greenway.



From : Drive-Through Ban Gets Positive Reception at Minneapolis Planning Commission, an ordinance which would align with the city’s 2040 Plan. No changes are proposed to already-existing drive-throughs. 


Predictions on the Future of Mobility by  takes a deeper drive into May 8th’s Chart of the Day. He predicts that the future will: 1. be electric; 2. minimize human labor costs; 3. be won by those who have to raise the least capital.


 imagines a future for self-driving electric cars, from “micro” to “full size”  versions, in  A Roster of Potential TaaS Vehicles



Plans for a long-term closure of a critical safe bike/pedestrian route between Minneapolis and Hopkins are examined by  in Share The Pain: SWLRT Related Trail Closure, where she proposes that part of Excelsior Boulevard should be used as a protected bikeway for the duration of the closure. There’s no reason the full brunt of this construction-related impact should fall on the most vulnerable road users: “Causing car drivers to share some of the pain could also motivate project planners to value more highly the burdens being placed on cyclists and other trail users for this planned closure.”

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SWLRT Construction’s massive transportation impact


In honor of Mother’s Day, Map Monday illustrates Minnesota Working Moms With Children Under 6. This is based on a report from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and  identifies an acute need for rural Minnesota workers to have access to paid family leave.



Walking All the Streets of East-Central Linden Hills by

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Southern Birdhouse, 4268 Queen Ave. S.

Regular features


National Links: The Channel Tunnel and Da Vinci’s Ideal City and National Links: Ways to Experience a City from Jeff Wood at The Overhead Wire.


May Bike to work day + month: Bike to Work Day is Coming!, featuring lots of helpful links to other bike to work content

May 21st: Watch Mr. Blandings’ Dream House 5/21, with Discussion After the Film

May 28th: Happy Hour at La Doña, May 28th

Event review: Greenway Clean-up Follow-Up

Img 0271 Greenway cleanup crew

Jenny Werness

About Jenny Werness

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Jenny (she/her) is a carfree, bicycling, tree-loving St. Paul resident, with a Ph.D. in organic chemistry. She believes that our rapidly changing climate should be of utmost concern to all of us. Board of Directors of, 2019-2024; Executive Committee - Content Manager.