Author: Alex Bauman

Alex Bauman

Alex Bauman

Alex enjoys blogging on his iPhoneDroid while stuck in traffic on his 90 minute daily commute to Roseville from bucolic Staggerford.

3/20/12 Minneapolis Transportation & Public Works Committee

The Transportation & Public Works Committee of the Minneapolis City Council discusses a lot of interesting stuff but seems to either use too many or not enough words to describe what they’re talking about.  Here is an attempt to add some context to the dry but vital meeting topics.  I’ve been summarizing them here at […]

Departing Barmi, next stop San Rafael

For better or for worse, children are the future, and that’s why it’s important to get them started thinking about cities now.  Just like many children are unaware that meat comes from animals, many children are unaware that suburbs come from cities, or that many cities were once suburbs, or of numerous other urban paradoxes […]

Upcoming Metro Transit Meetings

Big changes are coming up at Metro Transit, which in Minnesota means big meetings.  Next week will be the first meetings on the new Rapid Bus concept, aka Baby BRT.  I wrote about this last fall on’s predecessor site, TC Streets for People, and twice on my personal blog.  The following week will see […]

2/14/12 Minneapolis Transportation & Public Works Committee

If you need an intro, please see the last three summaries. 1-4.  Street Resurfacing in Linden Hills and Ventura Village, plus three blocks of 1st St S  This meeting contained public hearings on street resurfacings reported here earlier.  The owners of 25 properties on or near Linden Hills Blvd will be removed from the assessment […]

A Typology of Beg Buttons

The mid-august sun is hastening the sweat down your back as you frantically walk-run towards the bus stop where you will catch a bus to your job interview.  Finally the stop comes into sight, and your bus is just pulling into it.  But the stop lies across an intersecting street, and a traffic signal stares […]

(Greater) Minnesota Transit Index

From the Minnesota Legislature’s Session Weekly, an index of Minnesota transit statistics.  Here is a sample: 62% of Greater Minnesota transit users have household incomes of $20,000 or less. 51% of Greater Minnesota transit users do not have a driver’s license 86% of Greater Minnesota transit users ride at least twice a week 50% of […]

1/17/12 Minneapolis Transportation & Public Works Committee

I know you all have been anxiously awaiting a report on the Minneapolis Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting of Jan. 17th.  Which rough and crumbly streets will finally receive a smooth new layer of asphalt?  Which ancient combined sewers will finally be separated, sparing our rivers the pollution from our societal effluent?  I apologize […]