Author: Mark Brauer

Mark Brauer

Mark Brauer

Mark is a lifelong Saint Paul resident. He got a bike for his 7th birthday and basically never got off, cycle commuting to grade school, high school, college, and every job since (rode the MTC bus in the winter.) He has ridden most everywhere in the Twin Cities area. Mark was a cartographer at MnDOT for 15 years and produced the first digital maps of the Seven County Metro Area, trying (unsuccessfully) to convince MnDOT that existing digital data about roads could be linked for graphic display on the digital maps - this was a couple years before the term GIS was came into general use. He also did the cartography on the first Minnesota Bikeways maps.

Where do Bicyclists Fit in this Picture?

(The following is from an email sent to Saint Paul Smart Trips and my City Council Representatives. I was asked to post it here.) This is the lead photo from the email sent out by St. Paul Smart Trips encouraging me to support streetcars in St. Paul by attending a public meeting. I was not able to […]