Tag Archives: accessory dwelling units

Smart City

National Links: Ways to Experience a City

Every day at The Overhead Wire we collect news about cities and send the links to our email list.  At the end of the week we take some of the most popular stories and post them to Greater Greater Washington, a group blog similar to streets.mn that focuses on urban issues in the DC region. […]

Sunday Summary – October 26, 2014

Here’s all the goodies from streets.mn this week. Just like Halloween candy, you can select only the fun size Snickers® bars and leave the other stuff for your little brother, savor each and every post one at a time, or just snarf it all down in a transpo-land use binge. Ideas to talk about Road […]

Eight Steps To Improve Urbanism

We need to stop building bad places. We don’t need to build Rome or Paris. We just need to stop building Houston. The following eight rules apply to every major and mid-sized city with no exceptions. If your leaders don’t do these, somebody else will. And, you’ll have people asking in 10 years time why you […]