Tag Archives: alternative transportation

2019 Lime Scooters In A Row At Gateway Park

Review: Lime vs. Lyft Scooters in 2019

Lyft, a third scooter competitor, hit the streets of Minneapolis on July 1. Lime and Spin started this season’s operations earlier in the spring, and rival Jump, owned by ride share heavyweight Uber, will likely be joining soon. With the mid-year advent of a third scooter network operator, I tested out Lime and Lyft scooters […]

April Blizzard – Struggles and Adventures!

The Twin Cities experienced a record snowfall the weekend of April 13th. Neighborhood stores closed early, MVTA actually stopped bus service on Saturday evening! Local Metro Transit Route 10 buses along Central Avenue got stuck at Broadway. A few buses also got stuck on Nicollet Mall — Social media videos show several people pushing the […]