Tag Archives: beer


Post-a-Palooza – Thursday, August 22!

Do you have an idea for a post that you’ve been sitting on for a while but haven’t brought yourself to actually write, or maybe a half-written post that you’re not sure how to finish? Have you wanted to write for streets.mn but aren’t quite sure what to write about? Join streets.mn contributors for a […]

Turkey Pm

Sunday Summary – October 14, 2018

It is hard not to enjoy Fall here in Minnesota when the sun comes out. While it’s looking pretty beautifully orange, yellow, and red (against that clear blue sky and, even better, reflected in one of the lakes), Minneapolis has not yet reached “peak leaf” according to the DNR and our Bonus Friday Map: Minnesota Fall […]

Brewery Opening Map

Map Monday: US Brewery Openings by Month

Via Twitter, and the Chief Economist of the Brewer’s Association, comes this map of US brewery openings grouped by month, starting in 1900 to the present day. Animated map of U.S. brewery openings grouped by month. The explosion in the last few years is incredible. pic.twitter.com/SaPFuNXICl — Bart Watson (@BrewersStats) August 31, 2018 Cheers!

View of the Minneapolis skyline from St. Anthony Bridge

Sunday Summary – December 4, 2016

Welcome to December!  Thank you to those who attended the streets.mn fundraiser this past week (and those who donated).  Although the event is past, you can read a few posts about why supporting streets.mn is still a good idea from Bill Lindeke, Nicole Mardell, and Janne Flisrand. Supporting streets.mn helps us bring you fine content […]

Drinking My Way Around England

English pubs are among the premier “third places” in the world. Despite rumors of their death, they remain vital to the community and I’m impressed by how well they fit in to the urban (and rural) fabric. The English pub is a great place to gather with friends or strangers. They are also quite amenable […]