Tag Archives: education


Sustainable To-Go Packaging: Still a Push in St. Paul

Streets.mn readers care about the environment, right? That’s why we’re counting on you to care about the push for sustainable to-go packaging at restaurants and eateries in St. Paul. St. Paul City Council members are warming up to the idea of updating the city’s ordinance to require sustainable to-go packaging, with an implementation period of […]

A New Vision Zero for St. Paul: Part 4 – Education

Engineering was the subject of Part 3 of this series, and of necessity it covered a number of Educational topics in order to explain the need for changes in the way our traffic network is designed. Here in Part 4, Education as one of the “Five Es” – Evaluation, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, and Encouragement – […]

HF499: An Email Exchange with Duane Quam

A lot of ink has been spilled over state Representative Duane Quam’s proposed bill HF499 requiring “urban bicycle lane permits” in order to ride in a bike lane. The full text of the bill can be found here. Lots of people in the cycling community wrote, called or met with him. Many wrote columns, blog […]

The Rules of the Road

It can be hard to figure out what the hell you should be doing out there in the vast wilderness of traffic. People get angry about pretty much every behavior. Someone will get mad at you for following the law precisely, while someone else gets mad that you harmlessly break the law. Car-driving commenters love to rail about […]