Gold Line Lessons for “Rethinking Interstate 94”
As we “Re-think” I-94, success or failure will come down to the details of implementation. The Gold Line BRT project is a cautionary tale.
As we “Re-think” I-94, success or failure will come down to the details of implementation. The Gold Line BRT project is a cautionary tale.
A co-chair of the Saint Paul Bicycle Coalition provides a comprehensive critique of the latest iteration of the city’s Bicycle Plan.
A growing national movement supports Vehicular Walkers — those who consider themselves cars and choose to move on foot with traffic, not confined to sidewalks.
In the last five years, HourCar’s service has seen a steep decline, due to a reduced number of vehicles, a lack of basic maintenance and plain old neglect.
Saint Paul Bicycle Coalition co-chair Andy Singer, longtime chronicler of all-things-cycle in St. Paul, reviews the city’s initial master plan for off-street paths on Summit Avenue — and he approves!
Summit Avenue is a popular place to bike in St. Paul. But a multi-million-dollar project to improve the lanes can make it safer for all users.
I said, “We’re gonna make Saint Paul a world-class bicycling and walking city.” My slogan was “Get America Walking Again”!
Last week, I went to see my Cycologist. I told him I was depressed about all the climate change induced flooding in Australia. He suggested that humans would develop new ways to adapt. I told him that I was also depressed by the lack of color on winter streets and the fact that everyone in […]
The way St. Paul Public Works and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) design pedestrian refuge islands is awful. It’s symbolic of how oblivious and uncaring they are about pedestrian and bicycle crashes. It’s also one of many indicators that little has changed in this state during the past 20 years. Consider these pedestrian refuge […]
From the FHWA website:“The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways or MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all public streets, highways, bikeways and private roads open to public travel”. It is “a compilation of national standards for all traffic control […]