Tag Archives: enforcement

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Sunday Summary – September 8, 2019

Here in Northfield, from whence this Summary emanates, it is the real end of summer.  Labor Day is observed here, but the Defeat of Jesse James is celebrated. The bank raid is reenacted every couple of hours, the cheese curds from the State Fair have drifted south and everyone is wearing bandannas and cowboy boots.  […]

Car Bike Stp

Minneapolis Needs Better Street Design, but Minnesota Needs Better Enforcement

A few weeks ago Our Streets Minneapolis published a statement of their position on the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan, drawing attention for their view that they did not support greater enforcement of traffic laws. Meanwhile, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s 2020 proposed budget includes funding for a reconstituted traffic enforcement unit with three additional officers, a […]

Snarking Violations

Snow can expose things about our car-dominated landscape that wouldn’t normally be so obvious. Much like a sneckdown, a “snarking violation” is when one can clearly observe that a vehicle hasn’t been moved and has violated posted parking ordinances. Over the course of Monday night, the Twin Cities received their first snow storm. I took the opportunity, […]