Tag Archives: intersections

Summer 2022 Highway News Roundup

Google Maps Silliness Minnesota has about a hundred legally named highways and bridges, written into law in Minnesota Statute § 161.14. Some of the early ones like the Viking Trail and the Sioux Trail were possibly intended to mark motoring touring routes. But overwhelmingly the highways are named in memory of local politicians, veterans or […]

Changes Finally Coming to the Franklin/Cedar/Minnehaha Intersection in Minneapolis

This is my first post for Streets.mn, so first a few things about me: I have a degree in engineering (electrical). That means that math is my first language; English is my second. It also means I think in lists. So, I like bulleted lists—I just tend to find those easier follow. I also have […]

Minnesota’s 10 Busiest Intersections

Recently a comment posted a link that claimed “Snelling and University is the busiest intersection in the state”. To several writers, this didn’t pass the smell test. The source from Google comes from Wikipedia, which in turn comes from a book by Larry Millett, where he uses the phrase “This is believed to be the […]