Tag Archives: stop signs

The Saga of the Stop Sign at 14th and Fremont

Saturday afternoon–as far as I can remember, the stop sign is standing. Sunday–it started innocently enough, someone hit the stop sign at the corner of North 14th Avenue and Fremont Avenue North over night, and yours truly took this picture. “Think it’s the result of distracted walking?”, my transportation-nerd friends chuckled politely. (In hindsight, someone called […]

The Four-Way Stop that Almost Is

Shortly after moving into my house on 10th Avenue and 25th Street in South Minneapolis, I noticed that there seemed to be an inordinate amount of honking coming from the intersection. Not even kidding, as I typed that sentence a long blaring horn sounded from the corner outside. Several times an hour, it was HONK HONK […]

Trail Users Shouldn’t Have to Stop

Can we have an honest conversation about stop signs for trail users? I take the Greenway from Whittier to St. Louis Park every weekday, and one of the very worst parts of my commute is where I cross Humboldt and Irving avenues, as illustrated below: I bet you can guess why: it’s because of those […]