Tag Archives: Dockless Bike Sharing


Sunday Summary – November 18, 2018

Thank you all who Gave to the Max for streets.mn and to those who applied to join our board. streets.mn depends on its members, event volunteers, writers, board members, and donors to support its work. Yay!  And here’s last week on streets.mn:   Interesting journeys To the Gulf of Minneapolis by bike with Wolfie Browender. To […]

Sunday Summary – November 12, 2017

This past week was election day bringing new mayors to Minneapolis and Saint Paul, plus some shuffling of the Minneapolis Council and Park Board. Here at streets.mn, we’re looking forward to seeing how new policy-makers will work to change the urban landscape; we’re also looking forward to encouraging you to write about what you see […]

Cities Should Take the Lead on Dockless Bike Sharing

Back in September, I attended a Nice Ride forum on “the future of bike share” in the Twin Cities. The event was of interest for a few reasons. First, I believe in bike share. We all benefit when more people to choose more often to ride a bike instead of drive a single occupant vehicle. […]