Tag Archives: Marshall Avenue

In the Fabled Land of Big Developer™ Giants

It seems like every time someone wants to build a multifamily residential building, there has to be a public brawl about density and character in front of the City Council first. It’s completely unnecessary, but you get used it.   This week I wasted another perfectly good Wednesday night of my quickly evaporating twenties in […]

Collage of a map, dog, tree, mural colors, signage, and Janelle and Scott

Walk This Way: Lake Street and Marshall Avenue

It’s hard to believe that it has been 8 months since my last major thoroughfare walk along Lyndale Avenue. Saturday, November 7, 2015 presented my ideal walking conditions: brisk 50ºF temperature, partial sun, and blue skies. After consulting my walk wish list for ideas, I opted for a stroll along Lake Street/Marshall Avenue. My walking companion for the day was my husband […]