Author: Adam Froehlig

Adam Froehlig

Adam Froehlig

Adam Froehlig, aka "Froggie", is a Minneapolis native who grew up studying the state's highways and bicycling the Minneapolis parkways and beyond. A retired US Navy sailor who worked as a meteorologist and GIS analyst, he is now losing himself among the hills and dirt roads of northern Vermont. He occasionally blogs at Just Up The Hill.

Map of the Day: Freeway Proximity in Minneapolis

This map shows areas of Minneapolis that are located within 1/4 mile (bright reddish-purple shading) and 1 mile (lighter purple shading) of a freeway mainline. Due to its divisive nature and regional significance, I have included Hiawtha Ave in the analysis. As you can see, most of the city is within a mile of a […]

Squaring a Triangle: Rethinking Franklin/Cedar/Minnehaha in Seward

For decades, the Franklin/Cedar/Minnehaha area of northwest Seward has been a thorny area, confusing for cars, unsafe for pedestrians, and generally lacking in the urban amenities residents of most Minneapolis neighborhoods desire. Though the area has had an LRT station on the blue line for 10 years now, little has changed where the three streets […]

Refining an Idea: 26th/28th Streets

Starting next year, Minneapolis plans to repave 26th and 28th Streets between I-35W and Hiawatha Ave, continuing west to Hennepin Ave in the future. Though nominally a repaving project, the city has also budgeted $400K for bicycle improvements on the two streets and is undertaking a planning study on how to potentially reconfigure the street, […]

Addressing a neighborhood gap

Freeway development in the Twin Cities, while considered necessary for economic growth and to address traffic congestion, was not particularly kind to the neighborhoods it went through.  Where it didn’t destroy neighborhoods entirely, it seriously impacted them.  Once construction was complete, the neighborhoods had to contend with the noise and pollution from vehicles using the freeway.  The […]