Author: Lindsey Aster Silas

Lindsey Aster Silas

Lindsey Aster Silas

Lindsey Aster Silas is a year-round bicyclist, amateur urban farmer, and city planner. She has a master's degree in public health and a firsthand understanding of how the built environment shapes individual choices. When she's not riding her bike or digging in the garden, Lindsey walks her dog, reads library books about permaculture, sews her own clothes, cooks lots of vegetables, and spends too much time on Twitter (@lindsmpls). Lindsey lives in south Minneapolis with her partner, Dave, and dog, Rosie.

Biking with yard games

How I Use My Bike

My bike is my primary mode of transportation. I’ve been biking regularly since I moved to Minneapolis for college 13 years ago and have spent the last eight years bike commuting. Over that time, I’ve figured out how to bike in fancy clothes, in the cold, with my dog, and with stuff. Here’s a photo […]


Not Everyone Lives the Same Way You Do, and That’s OK

People who have spent their entire lives living a suburban, car-centric life cannot necessarily understand what an urban, car-light lifestyle is like. It’s not a hellscape of driving in circles forever trying to park. It’s the opposite of that. A car-light life is different for every person. For me, it means walking to my friends’ […]

pedestrian signal

Let People Get Around Walking & Biking Without Risking Death

There’s no war on cars, there are people trying to live their lives while making positive choices for their families and the environment. Scott Lambert, president of the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association and the Greater Metro Auto Dealers Association, authored a Star Tribune commentary on August 16th, “Counterpoint: Let people choose how they get around, […]