Tag Archives: distracted driving

The Star Tribune presents “The Pedestrian Menace”

I like the Star Tribune. They do good work, and have had a lot of quality articles on urban design over the last year. But this last weekend, the front page of the Star Tribune had a big headline front and center, the prime A1 slot, declaring “A Deadly Year for Distracted Walkers in Minnesota.”  […]

A Siri for your car.

A Siri for Your Car (video)

Now you can purchase Bon Jovi concert tickets while you drive and locate where your social media friends are driving their cars before organizing a meet-up. With this cutting-edge technology you might never have to leave your car. This is a corporate marketing piece, but it shows where technology is.

Chart of the Day: Distraction Rates for Hands-Free Tech

We now live in the age of automobile gadgetry, with new cars just brimming with tech. Also, more and more people use their smart phones while driving, which is very dangerous. Studies have even shown that just talking on the phone while driving is very dangerous, even if it is “hands-free”. Here’s a recent chart […]

Map Monday: State Bans on Texting and Driving

This map, from Mother Jones, shows bans and fines on texting and driving in the different US states: Check out Alaska! Here’s what the article has to say: The leading cause of death for teenage drivers is now texting, not drinking, with nearly a dozen teens dying each day in a texting-related car crash. Stark figures like this […]

Chart of the Day: Common Forms of Distracted Driving

As the Star Tribune’s Tim Harlow pointed out recently, distracted driving is a huge problem that seemingly everyone is ignoring. Here’s a nice chart from AAA about what actually is doing the “distracting”: While this chart kind of reminds me of one of The Onion’s infographics, it’s still informative. AAA seems to focus on teens, […]