Tag Archives: happy hour

Sunday 3-5pm: Virtual Happy Hour featuring Saint Paul By Bike

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! We’re hosting another Virtual Happy Hour via Zoom from 3-5pm. Put it on your calendar and drop on by. Our special guest will be Wolfie Browender, a prolific writer, bicyclist, and photographer who has been quietly and consistently putting together wonderful stories via his website Saint Paul By Bike and here on […]

This Friday — Virtual Happy Hour: Crosswalks History AND Freeway History

Hey! We’re having another Zoom Happy Hour this Friday, from 5pm to 7pm. Our featured guest this week will be streets.mn Board Member Hannah Pritchard, who is going to share her expertise in traffic engineering by giving a short presentation on how jaywalking was invented, how crosswalks were created and a less-than-stellar study from the […]

Virtual 1950s Streetcar to Richfield at Thursday’s Happy Hour

We’re having another streets.mn Virtual Happy Hour this Thursday. Plus, we’re going to kick off a new presentation feature, where folks stop in and present info about a topic they like. First up, streetcar history expert Aaron Issacs is going to share a video of a 1950s streetcar trip from Minneapolis to Richfield. Stop by […]

Tonight – streets.mn Virtual Happy Hour 5-7pm

Hello again! I cannot believe it’s been two whole weeks since the first ever streets.mn Virtual Happy Hour! Well we’re going to do it again, thanks to the gracious Zoom-mastery virtues of our host, Glen Johnson. Stop by and share stories about walks, bike rides, visions for the cities or public places in your neck […]

Virtual Happy Hour Friday! 5-8pm

We liked the last Virtual Happy Hour so much we’re doing it again, folks. Fellow streets.mn Board Member and Zoom-meister Glen Johnson has agreed to moderate again. Hang out online with other streets.mn folks, and share stories about how the recent virus-related changes to your life are affecting you. We’re even going ot have a […]


Virtual Happy Hour Today! 5-7pm

Hey! Feeling cooped up? Missing your public space fix? Want to chat about streets, cities, and “social distancing”? Well, come hang out on Zoom with us. Some members of the streets.mn board are hosting the first ever virtual happy hour. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling cooped up and would love to chat […]

Lyn Lake Streets

Come to a streets.mn Happy Hour on Wednesday – NEW LOCATION

Hello, reader of this website! The streets.mn Events Committee is hosting a streets.mn Happy Hour get-together on February 12th. It’s been too long and we miss you.   Feb. 12; 5-7pm One Fermentary and Taproom, 618 N. 5th St. UPDATE: To accommodate some excellent folks, we’re moving the event to… Lynlake Brewery, 2934 Lyndale Avenue. […]