Tag Archives: poverty

Chart of the Day: Extreme Poverty in Senegal

So, technically Senegal is not in Minnesota. But a streets.mn reader passed this map along to me, via the Phys.org science blog, and I thought I’d share it! Here’s the problem: the vast majority of “mega-cities” in the world are located in the Global South, where rapid growth and a lack of equitable economic development […]

Chart of the Day: Poverty versus Distance from City Center

Here’s a chart from the must-read City Observatory website, written by Joe Cortright. This one has a great chart that shows the link between “distance from city center” and poverty rates. The data comes from a recent study by the Joint Center on Housing Studies at Harvard. Here it is: Here’s the takeaway from Cortright, who […]

A Different Approach to Helping Homeless Families

Being homeless is tough. Being homeless with children is something I do not even want to imagine. Yet, in its 2015 study of homelessness in Minnesota, the Wilder Foundation counted 3,296 homeless children with their parents. This is considered an undercount as these were children who were found and counted. In that same year, Ramsey […]

Map Monday: Distressed Communities Index for Minnesota

In the past week or so, the Distressed Communities Index, released by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG) has gotten a lot of attention. Many posts and articles have been written about it, for good reason I believe. The Distressed Communities Index examines economic distress and presents its data through infographics, a report, and an excellent interactive […]