Sunday Summary – March 9, 2014

sunday-summary-logoMarching right along to the start of another week with a look back at last week’s posts:

Regular features: Charts of the Day this week are all about congestion: 7 Most Congested Corridors in the Metro,   Percentage of Miles of Twin City Urban Freeway System Congestion, Twin Cities Freeway Congestion, INRIX Traffic Congestion Scorecard for Minneapolis.  If charts don’t interest you, try the Sunday Sketch for a very personal look at the urban landscape; this week about the problem of cars in the visual landscape.

Big issue of the week: Transportation policy is an important topic in Minnesota right now with the Legislature in session and MoveMN lobbying strongly for their funding proposal.  Move MN is a Good Compromise is Bill Lindeke’s follow up to his post last week calling MoveMN a Litmus test for pragmatism.  Commenters continue to debate whether working within the current transportation funding structure is preferable (or possible) or whether more radical changes are needed.

Whether caused by MoveMN or not, it’s great to see discussion move beyond more money to systemic issues with transit (Lines On Our Map about the status quo…and what could be on the Future Transit Map), transportation equity (When Can You Ride Your Bike Up a Ladder?) and transportation funding.

From policy to project: Hennepin/Lyndale Bottleneck Revisited takes a stab at redesigning this intersection in advance of a March 25 meeting about Minneapolis’ proposed $9.1 million project to “improve the condition and operating efficiency of the roadway, and improve and expand upon multimodal opportunities for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit users.”

Round up: A bit more on transit: MetroTransit Factbook Number Crunching and Tell Metro Transit Your Thoughts on Concept Arterial BRT Shelters.  Snow is still relevant in MN with Plowing: You’re Doing It Wrong critiques Fridley’s path-plowing standards.  Bicycle infrastructure posts this week included Protected Intersections For Bicyclists (video) while Bicycle Infrastructure in Seville which kicks off a series on European cycling infrastructure by Kevin Krizek.  There’s a plug for Lyft’s on demand ride-sharing in Minneapolis: Embrace 21st century transportation options and a video animation of Ryan’s Downtown East project.

Have a great week on the streets!


Betsey Buckheit

About Betsey Buckheit

Betsey rides her pretty blue city bike, walks her energetic black dogs, and agitates for more thoughtful, long-range decision-making in Northfield, MN. You can follow her blog at