Author: Amber Collett

Amber Collett

Amber Collett

Amber is a bicycling advocate that lives in Minneapolis and spends a lot of time in Saint Paul. She loves growing and cooking food, knitting, and going on outdoor adventures. She tweets @AmberCollett.

NE Ride, June 2nd

Northeast Ride: Cycling + Art = Community

With Spring in full bloom, I’m getting more and more excited about this summer’s group cycling rides. Metro Mag just released their “Best of” guide to communal bike rides happening in the Twin Cities over the next few months. What excites me most is the idea that many of these rides will serve as fun, […]

Road Rules

Sometimes, knowing the rules of the road can be a challenge. We’re a mobile culture but road-use laws change as you cross state lines. I was reminded that knowing where to cycle on a road can be a barrier to mode-shift efforts here in Minnesota while talking with my intern, Sean. To help puzzle out […]

Residential meets Commercial in Minneapolis

Border Places: exploring edges of transformation

It has been said that energy is concentrated most on the borders and boundaries of human psychology. Edges are where communities touch and where conflict, growth, and learning occurs. Along edges is where we find opportunities for transformation as individuals, communities, and society. My good friend, Alex, and I were recently talking about the shape […]


Loving Place

Happy Valentine’s Day! On this day when we are encouraged to show our appreciation for the people that we love, I also want to talk about the places that we love. I was reminded why I love the atmosphere of Minneapolis last night when I emerged from night class to find my car decorated with […]

What Does Your Ideal Neighborhood Look Like?

Last summer, I spent a significant amount of time traversing the Twin Cities on a mission to purchase a house. I made a point to bike to most of the locations because I wanted to get a feel for the neighborhood. What was the transportation access? Where was the nearest park? Would my neighbors mind […]

Getting to Know the Neighborhood: An Update on Venture North Bike Walk Center

Editor’s note 06/21/2021: following an extended closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Venture North’s shop reopened on June 18th, 2021. They are throwing a 10th-anniversary celebration and fundraiser on June 30th. Interested parties can register here. I recently stopped by Venture North Bike Walk Center to chat with them about their first few weeks as […]