Author: Luke Van Santen

Luke Van Santen

Luke Van Santen

A western suburbs (Minnetonka) @BikeCommuter /#quaxer

Plymouth Road at April Lane - no crosswalk or curb cut

Filling in Some Gaps

While reading Brandon Lust’s recent post about the new Plymouth Road trail in Minnetonka, I noticed several small gaps that I wished to fill. With his (and StreetsMN’s) gracious approval, I’m doing so in a post instead of via comments on the original post. Thank you both, and thank you reader for bearing with me! […]

A Modest Proposal, Revisited

Last year I made a post proposing modifications to Minnesota bike legislation. In that post I referenced the fact that blinking (flashing) yellow arrows were becoming more common at area intersections. Flashing yellow arrows allow road users at an intersection to turn left when safe to do so even though oncoming traffic has a green signal. The flashing […]

A Modest Proposal for Better Minnesota Bike Legislation

After witnessing the howls of outrage and sighs of frustration (and maybe even chortles of suppressed glee?) related to some very poor proposed bike legislation introduced in Minnesota this Legislative session, I grabbed the fixie by the bullhorns and took a stab at modifying the core Statute of Minnesota bike law (Section 169.222) to reflect […]

Legislative Report – Transportation Safety

The Minnesota Legislature is in the middle of a relatively short session. Numerous important topics are being addressed, perhaps none more-so than the transportation package. Non-trivial amounts of Minnesota’s transportation infrastructure are either beyond their original design service life or rapidly approaching that point. Experts have identified an unmet need of approximately $10 billion (with […]

Why Not Nice Ride Cargo Bikes?

Note: This post is part of the Ride crowdsource conversation, a series of crowdsourced looks at how to expand or improve Nice Ride planning. Check out the rest here. Part of the and Nice Ride crowdsourcing project was to help identify “new tools and approaches” that Nice Ride should explore to make it easy […]

Ideas for Building the Nice Ride Community (and Revenue)

Note: This post is part of the Ride crowdsource conversation, a series of crowdsourced looks at how to expand or improve Nice Ride planning. Check out the rest here. In my last post, A Lake Minnetonka Nice Ride Idea, I mashed-up a couple of maps that showed it would be plausible (if not necessarily practical) that […]

A Lake Minnetonka Nice Ride Idea

Note: This post is part of the Ride crowdsource conversation, a series of crowdsourced looks at how to expand or improve Nice Ride planning.Check out the rest here. Back in earliest September, NiceRideMN and Streets MN put forth a call to interested parties to provide “analysis and recommendations for the evolution of the Twin Cities […]