Category: Signals

A highway with a traffic light for left turns.

Highway 280: Put It Back the Way It Was

Highway 280 was transformed into a freeway in the wake of the I-35W bridge collapse in 2007. Now MnDOT is making it bigger and faster, even though the reason for the upgrade has long since disappeared.

Pedestrian feet in a busy crosswalk

Near Side Signals: Thinking Outside the Pedestrian Box

How often do you think about stoplights? Not just to acknowledge that the light is green or red or how many times the “Don’t Walk” hand on the pedestrian crosswalk counter has flashed so you know how long you have to cross, but the design and placement of that signal. (The red hand flashes 17 […]

Hennepin Crossing Mpls

Prioritize People on East Hennepin, Not Cars

When people are asked how a busy street could be made safer, two suggestions always come up. For better or worse these are: put in a stoplight, or put in stop signs. For example, local business representatives recently called for a stoplight on every block of Lyndale Ave S after Ted Ferrara was killed by […]