Tag Archives: Dan Patch

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Sunday Summary – October 13, 2019

As part of its year end work, the streets.mn Board is reviewing 2019 efforts and developing priorities for 2020.  We’d appreciate your help, too, as readers of streets.mn.  Click over to our board priorities survey by Saturday, October 19 to tell us how well you think we met goals and what needs attention and improvement […]

The Original Dan Patch Line: LRT Potential

Please note that this should not be confused with the Dan Patch Corridor, a proposed regional/commuter/intercity rail line between Minneapolis and Northfield, and possibly further south. The original Dan Patch Line, known as the High Line, was built in 1910 between South Minneapolis and Northfield. Before the Dan Patch Line (later Minneapolis Northfield & Southern […]

Passenger Rail to Northfield?

Although freight trains move through Northfield daily, it’s been about 45 years since the last passenger trains stopped at the Northfield Depot. Now grassroots efforts to restore passenger rail from the Twin Cities to Northfield and points south are gathering steam. Even talking about taking the train to Northfield has been difficult.  From 1910 until […]