Tag Archives: noise

2020 Cartoon Shout-outs!

Your friendly Saint Paul Crank here. It’s time for some late summer cartoon shout-outs. This first one goes out to the organizers of the Minnesota State Fair Crop Art competition. If not for the pandemic, you would have been able to see this piece hanging in the horticulture building with all the other excellent seed-art […]

Map Monday: Noise Maps of Minnesota and the Twin Cities

A while ago I came across an interactive noise map of the globe. Punch in a location and it pops up a map. Zooming out to a state-level seems to remove the noise data, this is a large as I could screen grab. Interesting to see this above noise map rates industrial zoned for consideration […]

Can We Have Quieter Food Trucks Please?

I like food trucks. I’m usually too cheap to spend $10 on food truck food, but that doesn’t matter because they do a great job at enlivening our public spaces. Food trucks mean more people outside, occupying formerly empty spots in the streetscape. Plus, I’m told they offer good food. And with all the brick-and-mortar […]