Tag Archives: urban gardens

A miniature stone house with a green roof covered in yellow-green Sedum.

Miniature Garden Tour of Saint Paul

As an avid miniature gardener, I try to keep an eye out for other miniature gardens when I see them in public places. I’ve toyed with the idea of trying to organize a miniature garden tour, but I don’t think I will ever get it together since I’m too shy to go knock on strangers’ […]


Dress Your Area with Violets

In our yard we are letting violets cover the ground. They have green heart-shaped leaves, and are an early flowering thing. I think this spring was the best year we’ve had with the violets so far. For a few weeks I was fascinated every time I walked by them. I can put my hand in […]

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Como Mingling: Eyeing the Historic, Scenic Oddities of St. Paul

July 2, 2019 Merriam Park, Hamline-Midway, Como Park Living in the southwestern part of St. Paul means I almost always have to ride east, north or both, and so it was with this ride to the Como Park neighborhood. From the pause at Charles, I moved almost due north along Fry Street until Taylor Avenue, […]

Zinnias up close

Flower Power Walk

Now that the days are shorter and colder, summer’s blooms have given way to dried seed pods and stems. Gardeners across the state are making final preparations to rest their green thumbs this winter. So, this is a perfect time to post a love letter to all of the people who make walks so enjoyable […]