Author: Chris Iverson

Chris Iverson

Chris Iverson

Chris Iverson is a transportation engineer & planner for the City of Bellevue, WA and currently lives in Seattle. He holds degrees in both Civil Engineering & Urban Studies from the University of Minnesota, and worked on a myriad of transit & multimodal transportation projects in the Twin Cities. He is a former Minnesota Daily columnist, RAGBRAI participant, bad musician, marathon finisher, and an unabashed generalist.

The Curious Case of Luxury Student Housing

The American gentrification story will sound familiar to many: A historic neighborhood, home to traditionally transit-oriented apartments and modest single family homes, slowly becomes destitute and outdated as the automobile era drives population away from city centers. The neighborhood becomes derelict and neglected, but eventually, the bohemian counterculture — the artists, performers, musicians, and designers […]

No Correlation Between Minneapolis’ Population and Golden Gopher Football Wins? Think Again!

I like cities, specifically Minneapolis. In addition, I like football, specifically the team that represents my alma mater, the University of Minnesota. Since I like both of these things, I thought: “They MUST be related somehow!” Well, it turns out there has been a correlation between Minneapolis population and Golden Gopher wins per year since […]

6 Shocking Pictures of Millenials Not Driving

Millenials – also known as the generation that will pay for your Social Security the next few decades – have debunked a few common American Dream trends that had been assumed staples in the 20th century. One major trend is the notion that Millenials drive less, and are not seeking vehicle ownership as our parents […]

10 Sure Signs You’re a Twin Cities Urbanist

In the style of Buzzfeed, I present to you… a waste of time for 30 seconds. 1) Every time you go past the Lake Street K-Mart, you are like… 2) You truly think some omnipotent, but incompetent being chose where SWLRT will run. 3) Whenever you have time to meander on walkable streets, you let people know. […]

Uptown to Dinkytown: The Three Mode Analysis

After quasi-graduating this past spring and backpacking around Europe for two months, I have slowly adjusted back into reality. And, like a plethora of quintessential University of Minnesota millennial-aged graduates, I have moved from my humble, seven-people-in-a-four-bedroom college shack in the Dinkytown area to much greater (and less smelly) ventures in Uptown. What isn’t typical about my current situation […]

In Defense of the Dinkytown “Riots”

Unless you live under a rock, or are a rock, you’ve probably heard about the so-called “riots” that took place in Dinkytown this weekend. The riots on Thursday and Saturday were directly – maybe indirectly – caused by the Minnesota Gophers Men’s Hockey team winning and losing on each night, respectively. On both nights, the […]

Washington Avenue, Remodeled

Over the past year or so, it seems a roadway redesign war has evolved over Washington Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. Luckily, it seems like the so-called war was won by urbanists. A couple weeks ago, the Hennepin County Board voted in favor for a much more livable Washington Avenue design on a split 4-3 decision. […]

2013 Best Place for Local Music: First Avenue

To many, music is not an activity, it is a lifestyle. Music is both a science and an art, and to find an establishment in both crafts, one must always start in the trenches within respective locales. Very few musical acts, if any, start in a national scene, and must always climb out of the […]

City centers, according to Google Maps

On my oh-so-few minutes of free time every week, I tend to try to enjoy myself with a relaxing activity. No, I tend to not play Call of Duty or crash on the couch to put on the latest episode of insert-much-acclaimed-AMC-show-here. Instead, I open the lovely Google Maps, search a random city, and drop […]