Author: Tony Desnick

Tony Desnick

Tony Desnick

Tony Desnick is an architect, urban designer, and bicycle activist. He has worked in the bike share industry since 2013. He has ridden a bike for the last 56 years and commutes year 'round by bike today. He serves several local and int'l non-profit boards of directors. In May 2016, he presented a TEDx talk about how bicycles can change us and our communities. It can be found here:

Barriers to Bike Share Equity in St. Paul

As the Twin Cities embarks on the next iteration of bike share, it’s important to note a few things as it relates to current plans. In September, Nice Ride Minnesota let an RFP for an operator to come into the Twin Cities and operate the current Nice Ride station-based system until 2010 – or the […]

Zen and the Art of Potholes

Streets wouldn’t be streets in the Twin Cities without potholes and while they present a problem for motorists loathe to replace tires and suspension bits, they can be downright dangerous for cyclists. We can take the lane and ride out of the debris field that is called a gutter in the summer or we can […]

Railroading Frustration

Tomorrow my 23 year old daughter is moving from the Twin Cities to Chicago to start a life away from home. She was going to fly and I convinced her that by taking the train she could:  Save money (fare was cheaper than airfare). Check two big bags for free. Experience more of a transition […]

Planning: How Did YOU Get to Work this Morning

Urban, transit, parks, traffic, highway, communications and more, much more – all require planning. A lot of planning to work successfully. Reading about the events in Atlanta this week made me think more about this. A couple of inches of snow and some slick ice caused epic traffic jams, gridlock, pain, boredom, and sadly, even […]

Chat with MnDOT Commissioner Charlie Zelle

Late last year, I met with Charlie Zelle, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to discuss options for potential state funding of bike share in Greater Minnesota. After our discussion, Charlie agreed to a short interview for minneapolize.  The Commissioner is passionate about creating solutions for Minnesota that include all modes of transportation and […]

2013 Best Place for Utilitarian Cycling: Summit Avenue

As a citizen cyclist, AKA utilitarian cyclist, A to B cyclist, commuter, I gladly embraced the task of reporting and commenting on: The Best Place for Utilitarian Pedaling With 45 respondents (in the survey game we call this the n size) the results are as follows: Summit Avenue                                             29% Light Rail Trail (along Hiawatha)                […]

Mixed Up

When reading about railroads and public policy, I’ve often thought about how archaic the thinking has been about rail. Their attitude about protecting right of way, looking after easement and their own territoriality regarding their business is epic in proportions. Indeed one could say they are locked in the 19th century when they blazed roads […]

When is Enough…Enough?

[Re-posted  from] Two nights ago while returning from a day trip to Little Falls – to talk cycling infrastructure and destination cycling. I returned to the Twin Cities to find 694 closed in one of the “Brooklyns” where 694 meets 94. There was apparently a fatal accident caused when the deceased re-entered the lane […]