Tag Archives: Interstate

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Sunday Summary – March 17, 2019

St. Patrick’s Day, that day of green things which should not be green and (this year anyway) things which ought to be green are still buried under snow and ice. We could repurpose St. Patrick’s Day as a happy and green climate action day (and a few green beers would probably be ok in this […]

Relief Map

A History of Minnesota’s Interstates, Part One

Previously I’ve written a six part series of Minnesota’s trunk highway system. Now it’s time to go back periodically for topics that were skipped as outside the main story arc, or that were deserving of separate articles. One of these is the story of our interstate system. The Dawn of the Dream As late as […]

Chart of the Day: Interstate Highway volumes vs. Interstate Loading

This chart, from the Federal Highway Administration’s 2011 Highway Statistic series (most recent year available) shows the changes in both rural Interstate highway traffic volume and loading since 1970. Loading here refers to the weight of vehicles. The 2002 peak in volume is noted on the chart (Urban Interstates peaked in 2007 per FHWA figures), […]