Tag Archives: state legislature

Sunday Summary – May 10, 2015

A Happy Mothers’ Day to streets.mn reader moms! Great gifts for streets.moms would be a new bicycle (perhaps a bakfiets for hauling kids and stuff), a walk around her neighborhood (with light conversation about pedestrian facilities), or a ride on the Green Line to a wonderful brunch. As free-range parenting and urban design have been […]

Why I Support Move MN

Minnesota Transportation Bill Basics The Republican-controlled House has passed a transportation bill that uses General Fund money to support billions in new road funding, cuts transit, and ignores walking and biking. The DFL-controlled Senate has passed a transportation bill that uses a gas tax increase to support billions in new road funding, a metro-area sales […]

Ban the Ban, Not the Plan

Last week, Minnesota House representative Pat Garofalo (R-Farmington) issued a news release touting a compromise between him and supporters of the Zip Rail line being planned between the Twin Cities and Rochester. Oh good! Compromise! Our representatives must have done their job and avoided petty politics! That’s what we always want our representatives to do, […]

Podcast #82 – The Minnesota Transportation Picture with Scott Dibble

The podcast this week is a conversation with Scott Dibble, who represents Minnesota Senate District 61 covering southwest Minneapolis. For the last ten years, Senator Dibble has been a leading voice in Minnesota conversations around two key issues; the first is the equal rights movement round sexual orientation, where Dibble sponsored the gay marriage legislation […]