Tag Archives: global warming

Why You Should Oppose a Gas Tax Increase

There are many reasons to oppose Tim Walz’s proposed gas tax increase. When a DFL governor last tried to increase the gas tax in 2015, Charles Marohn of Strong Towns wrote two excellent pieces detailing all the ways that The Minnesota Department of Transportation’s road building policies are hurting Minnesota’s cities and towns, fueling suburbanization […]

Roadkill Bill: Thinking Seriously

Summertime has caused a short delay in the effort to complete work on Bicyclopolis Book 2 as Ken And Roberta Avidor travel in multi-modal style by train, bus and Brompton folding bike to sketch far-flung, exotic locales such as Red Wing, Minnesota. in the interim, here’s another antediluvian  Roadkill Bill comic. Click on the comic to make it bigger: