Tag Archives: maintenance

Steeling Myself for the Winter (Bike) Commute

Dear Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Please make your winter trail maintenance plans for the whole City — now, before it’s too late for the 2014-2015 winter season. Warm regards, Janne I’m hopeful that for me and the hundreds of other year-round bike-commuters who navigate the Hennepin/Lyndale bottleneck using the Loring Bike Bridge, this winter will be a […]

Touring Green Line Green Infrastructure

This past Saturday I participated in a tour of Green Line “Green Infrastructure” as part of Public Art Saint Paul’s City Art Collaboratory Program. We are a group of multidisciplinary artists and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professionals who embark on monthly field trips together, exploring the living systems of the City of Saint […]

"The Rock"

A Crash Lesson in Crash Causes

A friend of mine recently had a bike-riding experience worthy of story-telling, and agreed to share it here.  Della Kurzer-Zlotnick, the author, will be moving to Oberlin for college this fall. I’ve just gotten into biking as a primary form of transportation in the last year or two. As a car-free, environmentally conscious recent high school graduate, […]