Tag Archives: maryland avenue

Sunday Summary – June 3, 2018

Welcome to June, but first, a look back at the last week of May on the site: streets.mn Mission Hopefully, you saw the message from the Board of streets.mn — we’re in the process of updating our mission, and we’d love your input. Please click over and share your vision for streets.mn, and also share […]

The Death of 4-Lane Death Roads

If you don’t know about Saint Paul’s Maryland Avenue, you really should. To catch up, take a look at these past Streets.MN articles: June 20, 2016 – Maryland Avenue Pedestrian Safety Meeting Recap May 19, 2017 – So Much Depends on the Next Six Weeks on Maryland Avenue July 12, 2017 – Maryland Avenue: The […]

Podcast #104: Redesigning Maryland Avenue with Jim McDonough

The podcast this week is a conversation with Jim McDonough, who is a County Commissioner on the Ramsey County board representing the East Side of Saint Paul. Commissioner McDonough and I sat down in his office a few weeks ago to talk about the recent “public works test” along Maryland Avenue on Saint Paul’s East […]

Maryland Avenue: The Pedestrian Experience

Maryland Avenue is currently in the midst of a 4-3 conversion trial. You can read more about what led to the trial here and here. Part of the trial includes pedestrian refuges at two intersections. At these locations people walking across have a safe space to wait while drivers notice them and stop their vehicles. […]

Sunday Summary – June 4, 2017

Welcome to June! Summer arrived in Minnesota in temperature terms this week, so now’s the time to look at the outings described in posts below and think about how to get out and enjoy (or improve) your streets(s). The old joke is that Minnesota has 4 seasons and one of them is construction season, so […]

So Much Depends on the Next Six Weeks on Maryland Avenue

I’ve spent years beating the safe streets drum on this site and elsewhere. Of all the dangerous streets the Twin Cities, the ones that upset me the most are the 4-lane urban arterials, aka the “Four-Lane Death Road™“. These are found everywhere in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, particularly in poorer areas of town, and I’ve been calling for […]

Maryland Avenue Pedestrian Safety Meeting Recap

On May 23rd Erin Durham was killed while trying to cross Maryland Avenue at Greenbrier Street. Just a few days later on June 7th Channy Kek was killed in a crosswalk trying to cross Cayuga in the same St. Paul neighborhood. The Payne-Phalen Transportation Committee hosted a community forum on June 9th to get information […]