Author: Adam Miller

Adam Miller

Adam Miller

Adam Miller works downtown and lives in South Minneapolis. He's an avid user of the city's bike paths, sidewalks and skyways. He's not entirely certain he knows what the word "urbanist" means.

A Bus and a Car

You Should Ride the Bus

In my last post I had a wee bit of a complaint about the information available about bus routes on the Metro Transit website. Now I want to change tack completely and get back to giving all of the advice you never asked for or wanted: you should ride the bus. Yes, I’m talking to […]

It Should Be Easier to Take the Bus

A former downtown resident (walk anywhere!) who moved deep into South Minneapolis finds Metro Transit to be unpredictable and often frustrating.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Traffic Chaos

Last week Jon Tevlin wrote in his Strib column about how the combination of detoured traffic from Franklin Avenue (now closed to replace the bridge over 35W) and new bikes lanes on 26th Street and 28th Street was going to result in “traffic chaos” that would be like “push[ing] hamburger through a straw.” Here’s a […]

Parking on 38th Street

As previously mentioned, the current city plan for bike lanes on 38th Street is to allow parking in the bike lane from 6 am to noon in two spots near local businesses. While I wasn’t personally there to witness it, I’m told that Council member Andrew Johnson described this new plan as a “compromise” at […]

Why Even Have City Policies If You Can Legally Park in the 38th Street Bike Lane?

Minneapolis has a Complete Streets policy. The city website describes one of the key elements of this policy thus: “Establishment of a modal priority framework to inform City transportation related decision making that prioritizes people as they walk, bicycle, and take transit over people when they drive.” The concept it pretty simple. When we’re deciding […]

Chart of the Day: U.S. Energy Consumption

We haven’t had a Chart of the Day in awhile, so I’m horning in on Bill Lindeke’s gig because I found a good one. This is from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, via David Roberts at That might look a little confusing at first, but it’s really not all that bad. Overall, the chart […]

Downtown Needs Bathrooms

Everyone needs to pee. This is an observation so obvious that it shouldn’t need to be stated. Yet it seems it’s not an observation that has made its way into our urban planning. It’s really a simple equation. People need to pee – no public bathrooms = peeing in public (or worse). Much of the […]

Expand Your Transportation Toolbox

When I was in law school, I lived in a furnished apartment two blocks from school. Basically all I owned was my clothes, a desktop computer, some CDs and my textbooks. I definitely owned zero tools. Then I graduated and moved to a fancier apartment (the deck of a swimming pool is a great place to […]

Parking, Parking, Parking

The city of Minneapolis is going to chip seal Bloomington Avenue between Minnehaha Parkway and 54th Street this summer. In conjunction with that project, which already requires re-painting the lines on the street, the city plans to execute its Bike Master Plan to expand our bike facility network by adding buffered bike lanes. As a […]

We Deserve Better

We moved to the Hale neighborhood in South Minneapolis just over a year ago, after looking around at houses for almost two years. The search took awhile because we were generally happy with our downtown condo and needed to find something that ticked all of the right boxes to tempt us away. It needed to […]