Author: Christa M

Christa M

Christa M

Attorney. I do law stuff, ride bikes, and paint murals. Member of Hourcar & Nice Ride, and customer of Freewheel Bike and The Hub Bike Co-op.

Metro Transit Rider Alert Sign

What Happened To My Bus?

Metro Transit seems to have quietly cut service on the express service route I have used to get to work for years. I say “quietly” because it hasn’t been announced anywhere I’ve seen. There is no service announcement. But last week my bus just stopped coming. Did I miss an announcement? Is my bus service […]

East Lake Murals

Symptoms and Causes of Car Dependency on Lake Street

I want to talk about Lake Street. Specifically, East Lake Street. More specifically, East Lake from about 35W to about 36th Ave S. There’s a ton I like about this stretch. Every tortilleria, taqueria, and independent grocery, for example. The proximity to Powderhorn Park, a jewel in the Minneapolis Park system. The Midtown Global Market. […]


How You, and All of Us, Can Escape Car Dependency

I’m coming up on my two-year anniversary of being car-free in Minneapolis. But it didn’t happen at the snap of my fingers. Selling my car was the last step in a gradual, deliberate process that involved becoming aware and making decisions based on how I move around the city (and the world), and no small […]

Ronald Reagan in The Bad Man, by Richard Thorpe (1941)

Arguments Against Minneapolis’s Draft Comprehensive Plan, Addressed (Part III)

Phew! The public comment phase of the exhaustively publicized, discussed, and public-feedback-solicited 2040 Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan is over. I don’t know about you, but I am incredibly aware of the existence of this planning process and of my opportunities and methods for learning what the draft plan contains, and for offering my feedback! However, the planning […]

Drawing of a man pointing at you

Who Gentrified This Minneapolis Starter Home?

In 2009, my wife and I were looking for a house. I had just finished law school. I had temporary work as a law clerk and wasn’t sure where (or if?) I’d find a permanent job—the legal job market had cratered along with the rest of the economy. So we looked for a place near […]

This is a photo taken of a portion of a historic-public-domain image document titled: "Perspectives of St. Paul, Minneapolis and Vicinity" Warehouse District/Hennepin Avenue station of the Hiawatha Line in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Arguments Against Minneapolis’s Draft Comprehensive Plan, Addressed (Part II)

This is the second in a series of posts addressing the arguments against Minneapolis’s Draft Comprehensive Plan; the first is here. It Doesn’t Achieve “Affordability” I’m not an economist, or an affordable housing expert. So I want to start with a link to this post by Atrios, who is (or, at least, has been) an […]

An Uber Vehicle

Autonomous Cars Can Be Safe or Mass-Marketable, Not Both

You might remember a rash of people on social media becoming suddenly interested in “the Trolley Problem” a few years ago. A classic ethical thought experiment about the dilemma posed by a runaway trolley, contemporary interest in it has been revived as corporations and engineers (PDF) begin grappling with programming and design decisions that will govern […]