Author: Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt rides his bike places and is just narcissistic enough to want to tell people about it. He majored in Greek and Latin at the University of Minnesota. This, he believes, qualifies him to write about anything. You can follow his rantings at

Getting To School By 5th Street NE On Bikes

By my count there are six schools on or one block off of Jefferson Street in Northeast Minneapolis. From the trail at 18th Avenue NE to 4th Avenue SE, there’s Spero Academy/Heartwood Montessori, Sheridan Elementary, Webster Elementary, Aveda Institute, Marcy Open School, and the University of Minnesota. 5th Street NE is a bicycle boulevard and […]

On the Politics of the Rhetoric of Choice

We often hear from transit advocates that expanding public transportation is good because it increases the choices available to people. Framing the issue this way reveals something about the deeper commitments of the supporters, namely that it is a good in itself simply to expand available avenues for people to assert their will. The ability […]

Biking Northeast I: 5th Street

(One can consider this a series riffing on the theme introduced here at StreetsMN) I live on the 5th St Bicycle Boulevard and take great joy in seeing the steady stream of riders go past my home. It’s a type of people watching. I recognize certain people often by their bike before their face. Ride up to the […]

Park, Portland, Priorities, and Alliteration

I ride from Northeast to South Minneapolis four times a week. Basically from one end of town to the other, including a trip through Downtown on the way. The route is very simple, really: I hop onto the great little 5th Ave bike boulevard, drop down 6th to the Stone Arch Bridge, and ride Portland […]