Category: Economics

National Links: Recycling a Building; Self-Driving’s Eternal Adolescence

The Overhead Wire’s weekly collection of national links compiles news about urban issues around the country and the world. This week: parking spots versus useful space in Toronto, the glacial progression of self-driving car tech, and more on Texas’ highway battles.

Even mandating in-person work isn't working for many employers, according to Slate and the Washington Post. Photo by Raj Rana on Unsplash.

National Links: Declining Aging Economies

Links from The Overhead Wire to news from around the country. This week: why so many office workers are still staying at home, a political standoff over an Omaha bike lane and a discussion of America’s future climate havens.

Northern Lights Express

Local View: Arguments against proposed NLX train are ‘insincere’

Also, across the U.S. and around the world, the public and private sectors are investing billions in building and/or expanding passenger-train networks. Passenger trains are bringing their communities, especially transit-underserved communities, numerous benefits. These include the development of businesses in and around stations, which attracts and retains young professionals, many of whom prefer public transit to private automobiles. This all reduces regional economic disparities.