Tag Archives: commuting

Metro Transit Service: Chicken or Egg?

These are unprecedented times for all of us, and how and when we return to some semblance of normal is still uncertain. But now is the time for our transit providers to seek out new ridership and do everything in their power to support the return of transit riders who have stayed home for some […]

Sunday Summary – February 24, 2019

Winter In 2018, Melissa Wenzel decided to commit to 30 Days of Winter Biking; in 2019, she wanted to have virtual company by encouraging others via Twitter and her streets.mn posts to join the fun. It worked!  Here’s the story of Melissa’s January of cycling, plus interviews and reports from others who took up the […]

View of downtown Minneapolis from a parking lot

Fixing Inequitable Commuter Benefits

Last week, an extensive discussion of parking garages and parking as an employee benefit occurred here at streets.mn. As I read the discussion, one thing really stood out to me: Commuter benefits are wildly inequitable, and companies are given more incentive to provide parking than any other possible benefit. Beyond issues like the Fed garage, the issue […]

Metro Transit 1.html

Metro Transit Gets Creative to Lure More Riders

Minnesota’s most predictable seasons — winter and roadwork — are no joke to the thousands of commuters who travel Interstate 35W through South Minneapolis every weekday. The $240 million construction project, which has reduced lanes and is closing stretches of the freeway altogether some weekends, will last until 2021. Inconvenience means opportunity for Metro Transit, […]

Charts of the Day: Commuting Habits of Minneapolis Residents

Via the Metropolitan Council, today we look at the commuting habits of Minneapolis Residents. Source data is the Census, and the American Community Survey, as well as Met Council forecasting models. Share of telecommuters has increased over time, but carpool is down from a peak in the 2000 Census. “Other Means” is also up over […]