Tag Archives: nature

A TransitLink bus waits by the rangers' offices at Afton State Park while two people return to their cars after paying for their permit. Photo: Henry Pan

How I Rode Public Transit To Afton State Park

In October, I took the bus out to Afton State Park, which is located on the Minnesota-Wisconsin border due east of the Twin Cities.  But wait, you might think. That’s impossible. There’s no bus service out that way. The nearest Metro Transit route is the 294, which goes to Stillwater and only runs during rush […]


The New Neighbors

I’m a casual bird watcher. I feed them in my Minneapolis back yard and keep lists of avian visitors there and at the nearby lake. It’s pretty amazing what shows up. My back yard list has 54 species, plus 42 more seen at the lake. Some are common, many are rarely seen and it’s a […]

The Other Green Line

To me, mass transit is all about creating opportunities for connections between people and their communities.  Beyond the very literal connection of traveling from one place to another, our transit lines have the potential to help people explore their surroundings in new ways and make unexpected discoveries.  I think a lot about this.  How do […]