Tag Archives: bus

Metro Transit Service: Chicken or Egg?

These are unprecedented times for all of us, and how and when we return to some semblance of normal is still uncertain. But now is the time for our transit providers to seek out new ridership and do everything in their power to support the return of transit riders who have stayed home for some […]

Peter Vader, a Minneapolis resident, and Jeb Rach, a St. Paul resident, wait at the Wayzata Park & Ride for the midnight bus departing Wayzata as the operator prepares the bus for the trip. Over the weekend, Metro Transit eliminated the trip because of low ridership.

Riding the Bus with ADHD

Learn why a bus system built for the weekday, 9-to-5 commutes of “neurotypical” office workers heading downtown and back doesn’t work for everyone.

Your Guide To C-Line Opening Day Events

At long last, the C-Line is finally opening! This Saturday, Metro Transit will begin running the C-Line. The C-Line is intended to replace the 19; it will run on the same route as the 19 between Downtown Minneapolis and Brooklyn Center but it will stop less often. It will use special buses, including electric buses, […]

A Bus and a Car

You Should Ride the Bus

In my last post I had a wee bit of a complaint about the information available about bus routes on the Metro Transit website. Now I want to change tack completely and get back to giving all of the advice you never asked for or wanted: you should ride the bus. Yes, I’m talking to […]