Tag Archives: kids


Sunday Summary – October 6, 2019

It’s Twin Cities Marathon Day!  Like the City of Lakes Loppet and countless smaller events, the Marathon gives people a reason to spend time outside on and along the streets and in the parks getting to know the Cities better.  No doubt the runners understand the topography better than anyone after 26.2 miles of up […]

East Phillips Basketball

The Basketball Hoop

One morning in 2009, Husband pulled on his grubby work clothes and set out for the garage. He welded when he had the time, and that day, he needed to create a piece for the school’s art gala. Hours later, I glanced out the kitchen window. He had an audience. The two boys from down […]

School Kid Flag Crossing Jefferson

Walk to School Day 2018: Our Streets Are Broken

October 10 is Walk to School Day 2018. Per the official web site: International Walk to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and biking to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Over time, this event has become part of […]

Saturday Morning Adventure on Central Avenue

Saturday mornings in the Hop household. Contrast a typical weekday morning with an easy going day, full of relaxation and adventure. Its Saturday today.  Time for an adventure! Sometimes we make errands an adventure too. Ordinary daily tasks can certainly be turned into a fun time for the little ones. Imagination and mindset are the […]

Me with the sibkid on the tag-along.

Fix the One-Way Trails, Please

My 7-year-old sibkid “K” spent a week with me in the Big City so she could go to day camp. I registered K at a “nearby” program (that K loved). But Lake Harriet Upper Elementary School isn’t THAT nearby. I’d hoped we could practice riding bikes initially, as K is still working on that skill, but […]