Author: Joe Polacek

Joe Polacek

Joe Polacek

Minneapolis is the greatest city in the world. Saint Paul is a close second. For a strong, sustainable future we need dense, diverse and durable growth. @jplck

West Broadway LRT

Here’s an idea for how to get light-rail transit onto West Broadway while connecting the Northside with its river front. West Broadway is one of Minneapolis’ most important streets but it’s physically divided from downtown and the rest of the city. Highways and railroad tracks make travel between downtown and North Minneapolis unattractive. Additionally, North Minneapolis […]

What to Expect at Monday’s Bottleneck Meeting

The next Hennepin/Lyndale Reconstruction Project Public Open House is Monday, Aug. 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the Skyline Room, Walker Art Center.    Maybe we can’t expect the intersection of our dreams yet (mine: Turn Don’t Merge) in the Hennepin/Lyndale Reconstruction  project, but there are a few key elements that neighbors must insist on seeing […]

Intersection of Lyndale and Hennepin Avenues

Bottleneck Fix: Turn (Don’t Merge)

One highly trafficked intersection in Minneapolis was layered with interstate lanes in 1971. Although the freeway was buried below, ramps and merging lanes complicate the streets above. This historically influential neighborhood was transformed into a transitory space for the automotive world.   Minneapolis can regain this missing district with one driving modification: ‘turn, instead of […]