Tag Archives: bike infrastructure

National Links: Old Buildings and Governance

Every day at The Overhead Wire, we collect news about cities and send the links to our email list. At the end of the week we take some of the most popular stories and post them to Greater Greater Washington, a group blog similar to streets.mn that focuses on urban issues in the D.C. region. […]

Bikeway image

A Minor Miracle in St. Paul

I have been known to harshly criticize St. Paul for its consistent—one could say unconscious, institutional—prioritization of car speed and convenience over the safety and comfort of people traveling sustainably. But this past fall St. Paul did something incredible, illuminating how different things could be with nothing more than a change in mindset. In October, […]

Turkey Pm

Sunday Summary – October 14, 2018

It is hard not to enjoy Fall here in Minnesota when the sun comes out. While it’s looking pretty beautifully orange, yellow, and red (against that clear blue sky and, even better, reflected in one of the lakes), Minneapolis has not yet reached “peak leaf” according to the DNR and our Bonus Friday Map: Minnesota Fall […]

A Lake Minnetonka Nice Ride Idea

Note: This post is part of the streets.mn/Nice Ride crowdsource conversation, a series of crowdsourced looks at how to expand or improve Nice Ride planning.Check out the rest here. Back in earliest September, NiceRideMN and Streets MN put forth a call to interested parties to provide “analysis and recommendations for the evolution of the Twin Cities […]

The Importance of Floating Bus Stops

Fellow Minneapolites, let’s stop being our northern humble selves for just a quick second and truly boast a fact that we’ve known for a while now: we live in the best biking city in America. Bicycling Magazine crowned us champs in 2010. WalkScore’s Bike Score doesn’t list us because we don’t have a large enough “population”, but […]

The Hennepin County 2040 Bike Plan: Cassie’s Notes

Late this fall Hennepin County put out a draft of its new 2040 Bicycle Plan for public review and comment.  This long-range vision and planning document piqued my interest but, oof, the thing is 116 pages long! Not the easiest to tackle in terms of length, especially for bike-loving-yet-busy folks who might not have time to comb […]