Tag Archives: road diet

Hennepin Crossing Mpls

Prioritize People on East Hennepin, Not Cars

When people are asked how a busy street could be made safer, two suggestions always come up. For better or worse these are: put in a stoplight, or put in stop signs. For example, local business representatives recently called for a stoplight on every block of Lyndale Ave S after Ted Ferrara was killed by […]

Pennsylvania Jackson Intersection After

Pennsylvania Avenue Revisited

With the news that the City of St. Paul will dedicate half of Ayd Mill Road as a dedicated bicycle / pedestrian path, it is time to revisit Pennsylvania Avenue, which is located just north of the Capitol campus and Regions Hospital.  These two roads are similar in several ways Speed Limit: Ayd Mill speed […]

Maryland Avenue: The Pedestrian Experience

Maryland Avenue is currently in the midst of a 4-3 conversion trial. You can read more about what led to the trial here and here. Part of the trial includes pedestrian refuges at two intersections. At these locations people walking across have a safe space to wait while drivers notice them and stop their vehicles. […]

Sunday Summary – June 5, 2016

Welcome to June, Summer, and the past week on streets.mn. We’ve got transit, politics, links, and more, but do we have your voice? If not, you could write for us. Or on June 14, you could come join us for Happy Hour at The Local – we’d love to see you in print or in person. Current […]

Sunday Summary – April 17, 2016

It’s been a very light week here at streets.mn; perhaps our writers were playing outside during this first very warm, very Springy week or staying inside doing their taxes while looking longingly at the sunshine.  After catching up on streets.mn posts, you can celebrate the 100th birthday of our National Park system during National Park Week at […]