Tag Archives: fatalities

Chart of the Day: Projected Statewide Pedestrian Fatalities

Here’s a grim chart from the Star Tribune’s data desk showing the 2016 rising trend in pedestrian deaths from crashes. The chart below looks at death counts for the past ten years adjusted for the first nine months of the year: You should read through the article. The author, Eric Roper, interviews a public safety expert who points to the […]

Friday Photo: Our Attention Needs Our Attention

This is Navdy. It’s a very cool HUD (Heads Up Display) for our cars. Navdy makes texting and using our phone while we’re driving easier than ever. Imagine, now we can text or video conference with our girlfriend instead of paying attention to that boring road we’re on.

The Minnesota Strategic Highway Safety Plan

The Minnesota Department of Public Transportation has released a draft of its new five-year Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) at http://www.dot.state.mn.us/safetyplan/pdf/2014_SHSP_060914.pdf I encourage people to read the plan and comment on it. The public only has until July 8 to make comments. Comments should be sent to [email protected] Below are my own comments. They’re super wonky […]

Bicycling: Relatively Safe

For some time I’ve maintained that riding a bicycle safely on the road in the U.S. is, relative to driving a car, fairly safe. My reasoning was based largely on statistics indicating that bicycle fatalities generally make up about 2% of all road fatalities in the U.S., a modal share of about 1% (EG, about […]