Monthly Archives: January 2017

My Penn-Ultimate Day in Armatage

Editor’s Note: Max Hailperin is walking each of Minneapolis’ 87 neighborhoods, in alphabetical order. He chronicles his adventures at and we’re sharing them here at, at a pace of one or two walks per week. Today’s post combines Max’s two final days in Armatage. I had thought I might spend three days walking the […]

Join the Board is seeking applicants to join the board of directors. thinks transportation and land use news and information in Minnesota can be done better. We explore the pressing issues facing our cities, towns, neighborhoods and the places in between. We are a non-profit organization seeking dedicated board members to help the organization grow and […]

It’s Crossing the Street, Stupid

First off, apologies for the insult. The title is of course a riff on the famous 90s political truism, “it’s the economy, stupid.” It’s amazing to me how easily we forget this little fact. Facilitating safe easy street crossings should be “job one” for any urban street design, and yet so many of our streets […]

Sunday Summary – January 29, 2017

As we screech to the end of January, we have posts about upcoming projects giving you a chance to get involved as well as bigger inspiration about changing the world one bicycle at a time. For the first time, the board has sent out an invitation to all of you to volunteer to join the […]

Armatage, Day Two

Editor’s Note: Max Hailperin is walking each of Minneapolis’ 87 neighborhoods, in alphabetical order. He chronicles his adventures at and we’re sharing them here at, at a pace of one or two walks per week. Although I had a framework for Armatage from day one, I was eager to get back and see all […]

New Karaoke Favorite – Roundabouts Explained in a Song

Listen to this song about roundabouts from writer, Joe Totten. If you ever needed to know: 1) How to drive through a roundabout 2) Why roundabouts are seen as safer 3) Why roundabouts are seen as more environmentally friendly and reduce driver delays, or 4) Roundabout (neighborhood traffic circle) use in traffic calming, this […]

The Opportunity of a Lifetime on Rice Street

Rice Street, the main drag of Saint Paul’s polyglot, working-class North End, has long been seen as a street that primarily serves suburban commuters. Despite the narrow (66′) right-of-way, Rice has four lanes of high-speed traffic all the way from downtown to a block short of Wheelock Parkway, where it switches to a three-lane layout […]

A is for Armatage with Adventure Afoot

Editor’s Note: Max Hailperin is walking each of Minneapolis’ 87 neighborhoods, in alphabetical order. He began chronicling his adventures last year at and we will now share them here at, at a pace of one or two walks per week. OK, so the Armatage neighborhood isn’t actually a very adventurous place for me to […]