Tag Archives: technology

Driverless Cars and the Cult of Technology

We constantly hear that driverless cars are just around the corner. We’re told they will revolutionize transportation and enable us to continue using our car-based transport and land-use system. If they’re made by Tesla, they’ll be powered by magic, solar-powered, super efficient batteries and we’ll all be able to keep living our hyper-mobile, hyper-consumptive lifestyles […]

A Little Media History for streets.mn Readers

I recently watched an amazing 29-minute, on-line documentary film about the last day of lead type at the New York Times. It’s called “Farewell Etaoin Shrdlu” and I recommend everyone watch it.  The date is July 2, 1978 and, for around a hundred years prior to that date, this was how newspapers were put together– […]

Metro Transit Fare App – A Review

I recently started using Metro Transit’s new app after my Go To Pass ran out of funds. It was an opportunity to give it a trial before refilling my pass. Here is my review. Ease of Use The biggest benefit has been not having to keep track of my card or make sure my card […]

Tesla’s Electric Self-Driving Car Euphoria Gets Jolted

An event predicted by many finally occurred: the first fatal crash in an electric self-driving car, on May 7 in Florida. That crash was followed soon by two more non-fatal crashes, one in Pennsylvania on July 1 and another in Montana early Sunday morning. Tesla’s stock fell and the media is having a field day predicting the death of […]

Map of walking route history using Moves App

Track Your Moves

Since using MapMyWalk in 2009 to log a dog walk, I’ve been hooked on mapping my movement. I like knowing the number of miles I’ve clocked and looking back on all of the neighborhoods I’ve explored on the map. Over the years, I’ve used various iPhone apps and one by one they’ve fallen out of […]

Chart of the Day: Household Appliances V. Household Work

Something fun to think about (via the World Economic Forum), the relationship between electricity, appliances, and household work. Here’s the chart:   Here’s how the authors describe the impacts of these technologies, in their report: Arguably, one of the most disruptive technologies of the last century is the refrigerator. In the 1920s, only about a third […]

A Siri for your car.

A Siri for Your Car (video)

Now you can purchase Bon Jovi concert tickets while you drive and locate where your social media friends are driving their cars before organizing a meet-up. With this cutting-edge technology you might never have to leave your car. This is a corporate marketing piece, but it shows where technology is.