Tag Archives: data

Homes And Vacancies

Map Monday: New Construction and Vacancy Rates in Minneapolis

We know that Minneapolis and it environs have a historically, dangerously low vacancy rate. The proportion of homes that are for sale or for rent is far less than a healthy five percent, so renters and buyers compete for empty units, and sellers and landlords make more money than they would otherwise. We need more […]

“Street Fight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution”

Janette Sadik-Khan served as transportation commissioner for the city of New York during Michael Bloomberg’s tenure as mayor. She was in charge of most of the streets, roads, bridges, tunnels, and ferries responsible for moving a population of over eight million people. As such, she was responsible for the maintenance and programming of more infrastructure […]

Map Monday: Twin Cities Region by Racial “Community Type”

Here is a fascinating map from Myron Orfield’s Institute for Metropolitan Opportunity that categorizes the Twin Cities’ metro region into four different groups based on racial diversity and density. I like this map’s simplicity and focus, and also the fine grain at which it makes its distinctions. For example, you can see how different parts of Saint Paul […]

Map Monday: US Road Fatalities, 2004 – 2013

Via Citylab, here’s an interactive map showing all the deaths on roads for the entire country for a decade. A data researcher named Max Galka made it, and it has over 370,000 data points, one for each fatality. Wow. I zoomed in on Central Minnesota here. Duluth and Lake Superior are at the top right. […]

The Star Tribune presents “The Pedestrian Menace”

I like the Star Tribune. They do good work, and have had a lot of quality articles on urban design over the last year. But this last weekend, the front page of the Star Tribune had a big headline front and center, the prime A1 slot, declaring “A Deadly Year for Distracted Walkers in Minnesota.”  […]

Chart of the Day: Data for Every City in the Metro

Hats off to the Met Council! When they’re not busy with pedestrian bridges and light rail planning, they provide amazing amounts of easily digestible data about Twin Cities communities. Check out the interface, which generates charts for different cities at the click of a button… Here’s the one for my home city of Mendota Heights, just south […]

current Minneapolis Open Data Portal

Improvements Necessary in Order for Minneapolis’ Open Data Portal to Thrive

In an effort to increase transparency, the City of Minneapolis has started publishing data that it routinely collects during the course of day-to-day activities. This concept of “open data” has picked up steam as the utility of this data is discovered. By freely publishing this data, institutions create a tool for citizens to piece together […]

Saint Paul’s New Street Design Manual

The wave of new “Complete Streets” laws require cities to develop “Complete Streets Plans” and new street design manuals. Street design manuals are like smart phone contracts or software download agreements. They tend to be so mind-numbingly boring and full of technical jargon that, rather than read them, we just click “agree.” Later on, we […]